Career and College Counseling

" To support students as future global citizens through their own discovery via data-driven support systems, collaboration, reflection, and discussion."
The counseling program at IPS-J is comprehensive, in order to best meet the needs of all students in the domains of academic, career, and social/personal counseling. Counselors do this through classroom visits, individual sessions, and workshops. Students have access to a dedicated socio-emotional and career counselor every day, if they wish, and may be referred to their counselor by individual teachers, parents, or by the students themselves. Counselors provide services ranging from academic to personal counseling. This may include: getting information about student elective options, college admissions, scholarships, standardized assessments, or discussing social and emotional issues. The career counseling curriculum in particular offers psychometric assessments (career-interest and personality development), core professional skill-building opportunities, as well as the aforementioned university admissions support to institutions within the UAE and abroad.

Please contact our Career & Guidance Counselor, 
Ms. Masa Dweikat at:

University Visits

IPS-J welcomes university representatives from around the world to speak with our students during either the morning break or after school, about their unique programs and application processes.
Interested representatives may contact the Career Counselor
to arrange a date and time to visit us. 

IPS-J provides a college-preparatory bilingual program, with the language of instruction being English. Students enroll in a maximum of ten courses within a block schedule.

With the start of the 2021 – 2022 academic year, students are also given the option to enroll in Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP) and Advanced Placement (AP) classes. We offer 5 Pre-AP courses to students in Grades 9 & 10 (Algebra, Geometry, Biology, Chemistry, and English), and 1 AP class option for both Grades 9 & 10 (World History) and Grade 12 (Calculus), in addition to many college preparatory classes. Starting in the 2022-2023 academic year, our total number of AP courses will increase to further enhance student opportunities for high quality learning with the addition of AP Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, English, Computer Science Principles, and Statistics. IPS-J learners also receive university application and career guidance from a dedicated counselor who has worked in top-tier U.S. university admissions.

The counseling curriculum offers psychometric assessments (career-interest and personality development), core professional skill-building opportunities, as well as the aforementioned university admissions support. Finally, students are encouraged to complete the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), Emirates SAT (EmSAT), and English Proficiency examinations (TOEFL/IELTS) as a part of their academic requirements and registration is handled by the Career Counselor.




Al Wasl Rd, 7 th St.
Jumeira - Dubai -UAE


Phone: +971-4-3945111
Fax: +971-4-3943040
P.O. Box: 37090, Dubai -UAE

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